A SOCIAL in the CITY Experience: FEARLESS FREEDOM SUMMIT 2013 presented by Nicki Bullock of DARING TO LIVE // Written by guest-writer, Bianca Kempe

SOCIAL CITY NETWORKING ING: A SOCIAL in the CITY Experience at: Fearless Freedom Summit 2013, Presented by Nicki Bullock
Written by Guest-Writer, Bianca Kempe


On Saturday morning, some of Vancouver’s finest female entrepreneurs came together to share their stories with other aspiring women for the first Fearless Freedom Summit. This event was the culmination of the imagination and vision of Nicki Bullock to see women come together and explore new possibilities as entrepreneurs. We heard from several inspiring speakers about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and what it takes to overcome a variety of challenges. The speakers did a great job of engaging members of the audience and fielding questions, including facilitating insightful dialogue.


It was a great opportunity to reflect, think, challenge the status quo, dream and see a whole new range of possibilities. During a delicious three-course lunch, new relationships were being formed and ideas were coming to life.

I felt very grateful to be apart of such an amazing event, surrounded by dozens of like-minded and purpose-driven women. It became clear that everyone has the capacity to be an entrepreneur, and it’s simply a matter of having the courage to believe in yourself to be able to make your idea a reality. There’s a strong community that is accessible and ready for our involvement. The hardest part is simply stepping outside of our comfort zone and showing up. Then the real fun and adventure can begin.

Written by: Bianca Kempe
To learn more about the phenomenal speakers who presented at the Summit:

Nicki Bullock, Founder of Daring To Live, Fearless Freedom Summit (Check out her interview: here!)
Amber Krzys, Founder of BodyHeart Program
Molly Mahar, Founder of Stratejoy
April Bellia, Founder of The Granola Girl
Parrish Wilson, Founder of Two Hearts Plus
Allison Braun, the The Bedroom Joyologist (Check out her interview: here!)
Angela Dean, of MaryKay
Amber Ludwig
, of Insightful Development
Madeleine Shaw, Co-Founder of Lunapads.com  (Check out her interview: here!)

Social City Networking INC.: For all things SOCIAL in your CITY!

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